
It is often assumed that having a baby and suddenly becoming a father is the most natural thing in the world. But this is an area that many new dads struggle with. Particularly the increasing number of dads sharing, or in some cases, doing the majority of childcare.

Father and Son

Often they face this challenge in isolation, compared to their partners who, through antenatal and baby & toddler groups are busy networking, sharing their difficulties and learning from each other. Men on the other hand are often not natural group joiners and a sense of pride or fear can keep them separate.

Added to that, men, often coming from a workplace that encourages logic and problem solving skills, can feel completely out of their depth with a baby or toddler that exists much more in the imaginative realm and has very little concept of logic yet.

I work with many fathers of young kids to help them through this transition in a creative and fulfilling way. Contact me to find out more.

Read my article Fatherhood for Beginners – Five Creative Ways to Become a More Relaxed Dad.